Ipad and Apps

Tablets, smartphones and apps are commonplace these days, and many of us rely on them for practically everything in our day-to-day lives.

It's little surprise, then, that there is a range of caravan apps out there too. Here's our top five:

  • SiteSeeker - built by the Camping and Caravan Club, SiteSeeker allows you to search for and book campsites quickly and simply
  • AroundMe - an easy way to find out where all of your local services and amenities are, vital when visiting an area for the first time
  • iBBQ - perfect for those who love outdoor cooking, quickly check the weather, find out where your local butcher is, find recipes and much more
  • Caravan Leveler - an advanced form of a spirit level app, Leveler helps you to adjust your caravan's legs to get it perfectly flat
  • CaravAndroid - a handy checklist of everything you need to get sorted before you hit the road, incredibly useful for the more forgetful camper
LED Lighting

A fairly self-explanatory entry, LED lighting is an easy way to alter the decor of your caravan, whilst saving money and adding a slightly more high-tech touch.

A world away from the fluorescent light tubes that are fitted in older caravans, LED lights can add softer lighting, lighting under counters, around flooring and furniture.

LED lighting can also come in a massive range of colours, and even some which can change colour - adapting to the time of day or your mood.

An easy way to quite literally brighten up an ageing caravan.

Fingerprint Security

Definitely one dragged out of the spy films of our childhoods, fingerprint door security is now a real thing, and worth considering on your caravan.

By their nature, caravans aren't the most secure of things, and many of us rely simply on the kindness of strangers and the caravanning camaraderie. Advancements in security tech mean that now keys are a thing of the past, and you?ll soon be opening doors with just a quick scan of your finger.

As nice as it is to have all this technology at your fingertips (sorry..) it does have some really useful applications. A trip to the beach or swimming pool, for example, is prime opportunity to lose your keys, as it a night out on the town, and there's always the risk of having your keys pinched too.

Accidents aside, the risk of losing your fingerprints is relatively low, so you'll always have access to your caravan, whatever happens.

Inflatable Awning

Inflatable awnings are a dream come true for those of us who dread the eternal struggle of tent poles and guy ropes on holidays.

In inflatable models the traditional metal poles are replaced by air-filled pockets, with only the minimum of guy ropes needed to secure it down. Some models are even self-inflating, taking the hassle out of awnings entirely.

Not only can self-inflating awnings save you the struggle of assembly, but the lack of metal poles means that it takes up far less space in storage - an essential consideration in smaller caravans.

Ultimately, there's something very satisfying in watching modern equipment at work, self-inflating and saving us the hard work. Good job, technology.

Induction Hob

If the weather doesn't allow for barbeques and the thought of open flames inside your caravan worries you, an induction hob might be the perfect solution to all of your sci-fi cooking needs.

Harnessing the incredible power of science to boil your pasta, induction hobs work by using electromagnets to create magnetic fields that pass a current through the bottom of your pans - the future has arrived!

Safer to use than gas or electric hobs, easier to clean, less bulky to store and offering more precise cooking control, these near-future appliances are an absolute must for the modern caravanner.

The hobs only work with ferrous metals though, so you'll need steel or iron pans, and they consume a fair bit of electricity.

Still, we're cooking with magnets - nothing cooler than that!

Instant Hot Water

Already present in many homes, these modern taps provide instant near-boiling water at the turn of a handle, potentially saving you both electricity and water.

No more waiting around for the hot tap to run from cold to hot, no more using up your hot water reserves on washing up, leaving yourself with a cold shower - these systems provide instant hot water without draining the tank.

There are many varieties available, and plenty of different styles to fit your decor. Most are easy to install and need nothing more than hooking up to external water and plugging into a normal power socket.

They might not be the most glamorous of accessories, or all that futuristic if we're being honest, but you'll soon be wondering how you ever got by without one.


Powerbanks have been around for a few years now, and people use them day-to-day for charging their phones, music players and tablets on the go.

Given their portability and the scarceness of power on a campsite, powerbanks are ideally suited to life in a caravan. Set one on your bedside table and charge it overnight to enable days of plug-free charging away from your caravan.

With a charged-up powerbank in your bag you'll never have to worry about your phone going flat at a vital moment or being stuck on the road without charge to call for help. The batteries vary in size, design and capacity, so whatever you need charging and whatever catches your eye, there's a powerbank out there for you.

A simple solution to a very modern problem.

Smart Glass

If smart glass isn't like something pulled straight from science fiction, we don't know what is.

At the touch of a button panes of glass, as windows or doors, can switch from clear to opaque, usually either becoming tinted or frosted. Though commonly used in offices or bathrooms, we think smart glass would be equally at home in the caravan of tomorrow.

Imagine having smart glass windows in your bedroom, ideal for letting in light but allowing privacy when needed, or a smart glass ceiling above your bed to look out at the stars at night, but turned tinted during the day.

Smart glass is likely to appear in more and more buildings in years to come, but why not get out ahead and own the first smart glass caravan?

Body Dryer

Forget using towels, the next step in post-shower drying is here.

Looking like a combination of a hand dryer and a foot spa, and only about as big as standard bathroom scales, the Body Dryer is a new prototype device that can dry your entire body in just 30 seconds.

Created to do away with damp, unhygienic towels, the Body Dryer forces compressed air through special nozzles to create a drying vortex around your body.

Supposedly the Body Dryer also uses negative ions to split water down into smaller, more easily evaporated droplets to speed up the process - science in action.

LED Radio Mirror

Everyone sings in the shower. Don't deny it, we know you do too.

Whether you're a superstar singer, an enthusiastic amateur or a talent show hopeful, here's one high-tech bathroom mirror guaranteed to give your singing career a kick-start.

An integrated speaker system, DAB radio, Bluetooth and a port for plugging your phone into provide the tunes, you just provide the voice.

LED lights that can be turned on with a swipe of your hand, a digital clock, remote control, shaver socket and storage for bathroom clutter round off probably the most elaborate bathroom furniture we've ever seen.

What's more, the mirror has been designed to never steam up, so you'll always be able to see the look of satisfaction on your face from owning the most expensive furniture on the campsite.

Wind Power

Much like solar power, wind power is a green, unlimited source of power useful for supplementing a campsite's grid or powering your caravan when out in the wild.

Wind turbines for caravans take two main forms, either small blades attached to the corner of the caravan, or stand-alone turbines attached to your caravan by a power cord.

Power generation obviously depends on the wind, so it probably isn't a reliable primary source of power, but is handy as a back up for the more power-hungry of campers.

There are loads of different designs of wind turbine, some more efficient than others, so shop around when looking to buy.

Solar Panels

Solar power isn't anything new, and in fact panels are now a common sight on roofs across the country, but it has very useful applications on the campsite.

Whether you use solar panels to charge up batteries for a rainy day, or to supplement the on-site power supply, they provide an unlimited source of green energy, with only the initial start-up cost to consider.

You might even come across campsites, particularly in Europe, with limited, incompatible or even no power hook-ups, and solar panels could be a lifesaver in those situations.

Renewable, unlimited, green energy provided by modern technology to power high-tech gadgets - modern caravanning at it's best.